Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Today is Earth Day! What's It Mean To Me? & What Can You Do?

Let's start with - What is Earth Day? According to Wikipedia, 
Celebrate Earht Day Everyday!

  1. "Earth Day is an annual event, celebrated on April 22, on which day events worldwide are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. It was first celebrated in 1970, and is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network, and celebrated in more than 192 countries each year."
According to the Earth Day Network - "Earth Day’s 45th anniversary could be the most exciting year in environmental history. The year in which economic growth and sustainability join hands. It’s our turn to lead. So our world leaders can follow by example."

My Background -- As a youth - I was born in 1946 - I was fortunate to have continual experiences in the outdoors. From my earliest years, I had access to a family farm and a summer overnight camp. I became an accomplished hiker, camper, canoer, horseman, and spent parts of summers in the north woods. 
For many of those years I also witnessed how man took advantage of - and abused - their surroundings. These observances included but were not limited to: trash along the highways and trails, sewage and plastics in our waterways, the addition of chemicals to our foods, overuse of pesticides, and the air poisoned by manufacturing discharges. In many cases the abuses were excused to me by the imperative for growth and the betterment of our country and its economy! I must admit that on occasion I was sucked into the so called logic!   

It really was not until I was blessed with children - and now grandchildren - that my perspective changed dramatically about my role here on Earth. I realized that I have an obligation to provide future generations not only love, a moral compass, education, a healthy lifestyle, and access to assets but also an environment - This Earth - better than I found it and experienced! The earth I leave behind is part of my legacy!    
Part of our legacy is the condition of the Earth!

The Celebration of Earth Day is for me a great reminder that I - and others - must remain diligent to preserve what God - or what others may call Mother Nature or a Higher Power - provided from the beginning. 

As part of this effort, my new company  ( - has added an Organic /Green Section providing visitors access to green, organic, natural, environmentally friendly products. While we will be adding merchants and products to this Section, it currently features a number of products focusing on: The Kitchen, Nutrition/Health, and Cleaning Products. The merchants we have listed - and to whom we have provided links - offer convenient ordering and in most cases special discounts! 

If you know Companies that could be a good fit for this section, please pass along the information to

Let's all join together to leave this Earth a better place! Part of this mission can be accomplished by our purchasing products that do not destroy the Earth and disposing of products in a way that is Earth Friendly!

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