Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Our 1st ExclusivePurchases.com Featured Special - Get Fit & Healthy - 30 Min 3 Days a Week!

Healthy and Fit in 30 Minutes—3 Times a Week? Really??

Okay. New Resolution—2015: a New Year, a Healthier, More Fit You. Really.

But wait. Haven't you been here before? I have.

Most of us make resolutions to exercise and lose pounds
Those early morning- or after-work trips to the gym that eat up a couple of hours each time, what with the gym-bag packing, the travel, the clothes-changing, and the actual exercise routines. Then the shower, the clothes- changing and the travel again. Somehow, at the end of it all, I don't feel energized, I feel exhausted...And when it's time to repeat the process the following day to get the lean, healthy body I'm striving for, my motivation just seems to evaporate. Too much time, too much non-exercise-related effort, too interruptive to my day, and too costly.

What I really need is a way to get the best calorie-burning, toning results at home, to eliminate the wasted time of going to a gym, to enjoy the experience my way, and boost my confidence and energy. And get all that by working out for 30 Minutes—3 Times a Week, in my comfortable space, watching/listening to whatever media experience floats my boat at any given time, wearing what I want without embarrassment. Is such a thing possible? You better betcha!

Believe it or not, there is one piece of equipment that offers all those advantages and more. You use it in your home and you burn over 600 calories in 30 Minutes just by WALKING! It's called the BowFlexTreadclimber!
The BowFlex TC10 Best Seller

Imagine a piece of equipment that uses the best combined technology of a treadmill, stairclimber, and elliptical machine—ALL IN ONE—with non of the joint stress of running! The results? 30 Minutes of WALKING on the BowFlexTreadclimber burns almost 4 times as many calories as using a treadmill (165 calories for 30 minutes) and more that 3 times as many calories as on a stairclimber (191 calories for 30 minutes)...

And what are 8 other benefits to you besides burning off all those calories?
  1. You lose weight. 2. You look better. 3. You increase your energy. 4. You increase your bone density and strength so you are at less risk of a bone fracture. 5. You increase your good cholesterol—HDL's. 6. You decrease your risk of a heart attack. 7. You decrease any back pains. 8. You increase your metabolism which decreases body fat and your body becomes leaner.
Shelly lost 40 pounds in four months using the BowFlex Treadclimber
Who's going to argue with those results???

So what's the catch? The Cost. Because you're worth it, you need to make a financial commitment to obtain this important piece of equipment that will make you a happier, healthier you. A you who makes you smile when you look in the mirror; a you who actually enjoys shopping for smart clothes that you have only loved on other people, a you whose doctor congratulates you on your new-found health and energy!

Fortunately, you can save anywhere from $200 to $700 with the special offers available. And, if approved, you can obtain free financing for 18 months! And besides the equipment choice of 3 models of the BowFlexTreadclimber, you will receive access to the BowFlex Community, Training Tips, and Diet Advice, too!

What are you waiting for? You want a healthy and fit you ASAP...So, you need to take the first step: Check out the 3 BowFlex Treadmill choices, choose the model which most appeals to you and your pocketbook, and start WALKING to become a healthier, fit, and happier you! Enjoy the journey—the payoff is AMAZING!!

Check-out our new website as we build-out the Exclusive Purchases opportunities - http://www.exclusivepurchases.com 

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